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Jun-En Enterprise Corp.

Metal mesh-making machine, metal conveyor belt making machine

2011/08/19 | By Ben Shen | JUN-EN ENTERPRISE CORP.

Metal mesh-making machine, metal conveyor belt making machine, barbed wire-making machine

Jun-En Enterprise Corp., the flagship of the Jun-En Group, is one of Taiwan's leading manufacturers of metal mesh-making machinery and related products. The company has won the ISO-9001:2008 certification because of its efforts to upgrade its product quality, management capability, and international competitiveness.

The Jun-En Group, founded in 1987, currently has one machinery manufacturing and six relevant metal-mesh production facilities around the island, providing the most comprehensive and professional services to customers the world over.

Jun-En currently supplies a wide range of machinery products, including expanded metal-making, perforated metal-making, metal conveyor belt making, chain-link fence-making, razor-barbed tape-making, barbed wire-making, and hexagonal wire net-making machines. In recent years, Jun-En's machinery products have successfully penetrated several advanced markets including Japan, North America and Europe.

Jun-En says that its machinery products can help customers improve their product quality and reduce costs. “We are the only one globally to offer production equipment for both metal wire and plates. Most others have only machinery to produce either metal wire or plates. This proves we have superior R&D skills,” says H.Y. Chiu, sales manager.

The company claims it is capable of supplying the world's fastest expanded metal making machines, which encompass a wide range of product sizes from 610mm to 3,100mm in width and up to 10mm in thickness. Its metal-mesh lines included wire conveyor belting, expanded metal meshes, perforated metal meshes, razor barbed tape wires, chain link fencing & barbed wires, etc.

Jun-En's products are widely welcomed by customers from around the world, especially in Taiwan, mainland China, Southeast Asia, North America, Latin America, and East European nations. (BS)

Various kind of metal mesh products produced by Jun-En.
Various kind of metal mesh products produced by Jun-En.

Jun-En Enterprise Corp.

Tel: 886-7-373-7800

Fax: 886-7-373-7900

E-mail: jec@ms12.hinet.net

Website: www.junen.com.tw