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Oil Crculation Controller

Oil Crculation Controller

Detail Specifications / Descriptions

_ The control box and the temperature controller are separated, so that be able to extend the useful duration of the electric part.
_ Adopting the JAPAN controller with P.I.D automatic control and sensity sensors in order to obtain precise temp conrtol accuracy up to
± 1℃ energy saving up to 35% than usually.
_ Employing unique design more faster temperture rise stable and preventing denaturing of the heat medium oil.
_ Mold residual oil recovery device reduce oil residue in water passage of the mold to facilitate mold change.
_ Employing a simple design that is permissive of easy operation.
_ Excluding air in the mold automaticolly when start avoid empty burning and damage of the heater due to oil shortage.
_ Employing superb imported components with longer


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